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UseYourNoggin 03-23-2015 07:58 AM

"Big Brother" is Watching You
Ever wonder why you didn't get that certain job or apartment?
It's because of your computer links. :eek:
Do you have a Facebook account, in your real name! This is searchable by employers and they can find out about the "real" you. This may not be the real you but it's also how others perceive you on there! :mad:
I just ran into a situation where I did not get a couple apartments of which i'm currently looking for. Apparently in Gmail e-mail, there is an icon with whatever pic you put there. The person reading your e-mail can click on this icon and it takes you to your "Google+" page. Now that person can see all your posts about your car stereo and modded loud car, and whatever. Also since Google owns YouTube, if you have a YouTube channel, a link is provided on the Google+ page automatically (can't get rid of this link) and if you sign up for YouTube you are automatically given a Google+ account page. Now that person can see all your videos with your loud car and stereo. A Landlord does not want people driving in parking lot with loud car or stereo! I also used to DJ, so now they think I still have that equipment and blast it (false, all sold, no longer DJ). Apparently you have 14 days to disconnect your YouTube account from your Google+ account, otherwise you have to do what i did.
I deleted my Google+ account which also deleted my YouTube channel. Now my videos don't play (so more than likely on this forum, they will no longer be visible). I had videos on DJ equipment, and lots on my car. I am not to concerned about it as I can access YouTube through a different outlet to see other videos (except mine--not available). I am not worried about the videos as they have already served there purpose as I no longer DJ and car is getting older anyway. I have those videos on my computer as well. I could have made all my videos private, but that would cause suspicion and is just stupid as no-one could see it.
Be careful of the subtle links your e-mail is sending!
Never start any computer searchable account with your real name, especially Facebook, Twitter, YouTube.
This is "UseYourNoggin" signing off! Not searchable on this Forum!
Ref: 1984 book for "Big Brother is Watching You"

nhtrib 03-23-2015 10:20 AM

Stay off Facetrash and Tweets For Twits, and you will be fine. Why people feel a need to post on Facetrash that they are about to take a dump and then post pictures of the results on Twitter and Instagram is beyond me.

UseYourNoggin 03-23-2015 12:47 PM

I moved and Hazel McDougall Ontario Works Welfare bitch put me on hold after I moved and after I was supposed to be done with her. She previously put me on hold because she forgot to take me off--after I gave her some form. That stupid inconsiderate bitch sure knows how to give stress rather than support. Unfortunately I would do Twitter, but not Facebook.

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