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DaMazda 09-08-2011 10:37 PM

Mazda5 Horn Sucks when it should BLOW
Hi All,

Proud new owner of a white 2012 Mazda5 Grand Touring and loving it. Only one issue I've noticed so far (well gas milage is not what I hoped yet) and that is the horn sound like something borrowed of a Vespa. Anyone else notice this or is mine just bad from the factory? Also anyone know of a new Honker I can install to put little fear into the 4x4 driver texting in front of me?


virgin1 09-08-2011 11:04 PM

Oh yeah. A common complaint.
Most go with either the Highway Blaster... about $35/set at your local parts store. They offer a more American sound and are loud (132db ea!!)
Or the Hellas, which are certainly more impressive to look at w/their open red grilles and more European sounding. But they are also $60-$65/set and only available as a set.

Since the Mazda only comes w/a single high tone horn, not too uncommon these days, you could do what I did and simply add a single low-tone Highway Blaster to it. It'll cost you around $17 before sales tax and a few connectors and short piece of wire to do it.

And BTW: Congrats on the new car, and Welcome to the site!!

DaMazda 09-09-2011 10:02 AM

Talk about timing. I'm sitting at a light and this woman in front of me just start backing up. I'm blowing my horn (if you can cal it that) and BANG. I haven't even had the car a month and the hoods bent because some idiot apparently can't hear my horn over her cell phone conversation! What's the point of a horn if you can' hear it???

Off to get an estimate on the bent hood and find a 18 wheeler air horn to mount to the top. Florida drivers suck big time BTW.

virgin1 09-09-2011 12:45 PM

WOW!! That does suck, and I speak from experience. Had a similar thing happen to me back in the '80's w/a car that still had temp plates on it.

As far as bad driver's are concerned, you can't prove to me that it is just Florida driver's, but a country wide epidemic. I see it here in Texas, and in my home state of Pa too.

*edit* Getting a driver's license in this country is just too easy. We need to be more like Germany where you really have to want a DL in order to get one.

dieseldriver2003 10-02-2011 04:35 AM

Yeah, I've noticed that too, horn is not loud enough. They should either have stuck with typical Japanese horn or the American sounding one. My Honda Odyssey sounds just like an American car. I like the Japanese tone better though. Is it hard to install the Highway Blaster?

BTW, I already got rear ended on my Mazda 5 coming out of a mall, some idiot wasn't paying attention and just merely nudged me in the rear - and I haven't even had a week since I picked up the car from the dealer. Funny part is he was giving me the dirty look like I did something wrong. Fortunately, no damage, but still got a police report so I just have to pick it up sometime next week.

Originally Posted by virgin1 (Post 122058)

Oh yeah. A common complaint.
Most go with either the Highway Blaster... about $35/set at your local parts store. They offer a more American sound and are loud (132db ea!!)
Or the Hellas, which are certainly more impressive to look at w/their open red grilles and more European sounding. But they are also $60-$65/set and only available as a set.

Since the Mazda only comes w/a single high tone horn, not too uncommon these days, you could do what I did and simply add a single low-tone Highway Blaster to it. It'll cost you around $17 before sales tax and a few connectors and short piece of wire to do it.

And BTW: Congrats on the new car, and Welcome to the site!!

Nuburgringer 10-02-2011 10:59 AM

Congrats on the 5, sorry to hear about the incident :(

I put one of these BadBoy air horns in my Jeep. VERY authoritative. Takes up more room than a traditional horn, but worth it IMO.

Bad Boy Air Horn

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