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nizzla 07-25-2014 06:50 PM

Mazda Millenia S TCS TCS Off lights comes on
Hey guys!
Im new here and my English isn't really that good (lives in Sweden) so I will try to describe my problem! First of all, I have read about other people with the same problem but never got any answer. I also have some other problems so I write them down to if maybe they are the fault ? Here it is:

Car starts and drives fine but when I step on the throttle hard (more then half throttle) for to long (15-20sec) the lights comes on and I can give it more the half throttle cuz after that it won't put out any power.

It I restart the car everything goes back to normal and I can drive again.

I have learned to drive the car without getting this problem.

I feel that if I press the TCS off button its harder to get this problem, is that possible or is it my mind playing tricks?

When driving you get the feeling that the front wheels is out of balance but the feeling is not the same every time I drive the car.

My final question would be: Do I have more then one problem here?

Thanks guys and hope you understand :P

keninn 07-25-2014 06:56 PM

tcs off/tcs is most commonly the abv and/or vent solenoid circuits. dunno if your car has check engine, but if it does, codes should be 1525/26 1540. if it runs good cold, then acts up after reaching operating temps, most common would be the actual solenoids. you can ohm them, but most likely the resistance will change when they get hot

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